Welcome to Alexa's Page
Alexa is a life sized doll set to transform this world.
The World around her inspires, and guides Alexa.
Alexa wishes to one day become an avatar.
She is pure in heart and mind, unexposed to humanity's corruption. But as she ventures into the world, discovering her purpose, she will get exposed to all sorts of morale decay. It is our task to, despite the hardship we face, to regain a pure spirit so our children, represented through Alexa, will not fall prey to those immoralities humanity promotes.
Alexa's Dream
Her Dream, rephrased by me:
"To give every child the opportunity to develop itself into a conscious and caring person."
Do you want to create a picture like that?
The background has been erased.
A Monkey did that.... It's really simple to do it.
Would you like to try it?
Alexa's Blog
It's a Wednesday and Alexa wanted to go to the seaside. She woke up in Brugge, Belgium, and took a public bus To the coast. It was a warm day!
Click on the city to see the highlights of that place.
De Haan
Friends of Alexa
Her Friends are those who help her create this idyllic world. Click on the button to visit her world.
Explore the world with her. It's a world of magic and unicorns. Dreams are the only thing that exists in that world! Nothing is real over there, that's where she is, and that's where everyone can go to and see how it would be to live in her world of dreams.
Believe in your dreams, share them with Alexa, she loves helping dreams come true.
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